Nazare / Cotton Film Night: Done

The evening in Croyde Village Hall went really well. Sold out, full up, £900 raised for The Museum of British Surfing. Thanks to everyone who came along.

We watched Wavedreamer shorts and consumed some delicious soup from Steve Cave at The King's Arms, Georgeham before Tim Kevan interviewed Jools from Gulf Stream and Andrew Cotton. Then we watched the Zon North Canyon Show movie and then the Tiki Zepha wetsuit was won by the right person - a stoked young local surfer. All in all it went pretty smoothly!

Apart from the people above a big thankyou to Chris Burrows who does the Croyde Deckchair Cinema. He donated his time and equipment to the cause and also helped promote the evening, sell tickets and answer loads of questions in the days leading up to the event. Thanks also to my wife Sarah and to Justine Adderley who spent the evening selling raffle tickets.

Of course the biggest gratitude to Andrew Cotton who also got hold of the film and entertained us all both in the hall and in the film. The silliest moment of the evening was when, after describing how Garrett MacNamara was de-wetsuited and taking a shit in the sea moments before catching the 90ft wave, Andrew coincidentally mentioned that the set wave Garrett caught was number 2. You had to be there...

I wish I'd remembered my camera. The photo above is the only one I grabbed, right at the end, on my camera-phone-brick-thing. We're glad that Rob Tibbles came along to take a few proper photographs. Hopefully he'll manage to keep his name to them - unlike his photographs that Carve magazine mistakenly attributed to someone else in their latest issue!

Oh and thanks to Pete Robinson who, as a thanks to me, gave me a copy of Hawaiian Surfriders by Tom Blake - a book I desperately wanted to read and thought was going to be a bugger to get hold of. It's sitting next to me now, so what the hell I think I'm doing tapping away at this laptop instead of reading something proper I'll never know. Off button...


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